Tuesday, July 16, 2024

🔓 Addio a una decana del Gotha: la duchessa Marie-Alix di Schleswig-Holstein (1923-2021)

La duchessa Marie-Alix di Schleswig-Holstein in occasione del suo 95esimo compleanno. Foto per gentile concessione di Fürst Alexander zu Schaumburg-Lippe / Stiftung Louisenlund.

Lunedì 1° novembre 2021, la duchessa vedova Marie-Alix di Schleswig-Holstein è morta serenamente nella sua casa di Gut Bienebek a Holstein. Aveva novantotto anni. I quattro figli della duchessa erano al suo fianco quando è morta nel sonno; dopo la sua scomparsa, la famiglia ha rilasciato una breve dichiarazione: " Con profondo dolore e pieni di amore diciamo addio a nostra madre, nonna e bisnonna e guardiamo indietro alla sua vita movimentata e appagante con rispetto e immensa gratitudine " .

Nozze del principe Stephan zu Schaumburg-Lippe e della duchessa Ingeborg di Oldenburg, 1921.
Il principe Stephan e la principessa Ingeborg con la principessa Marie-Alix e il neonato principe Georg-Moritz. Foto (c) David McIntosh.

Nata il 2 aprile 1923 a Bückeburg, la principessa Marie-Alix di Schaumburg-Lippe era la prima figlia e unica figlia femmina del principe Stefano di Schaumburg-Lippe (1891-1965) e della duchessa Ingeborg di Oldenburg (1901-1996), che si sposarono nel 1921 A Marie-Alix successe il fratello minore, il principe Georg-Moritz di Schaumburg-Lippe (1924-1970), che purtroppo morì in un incidente automobilistico all'età di quarantasei anni. Poiché suo padre Stephan era un diplomatico tedesco, Marie-Alix viveva con la sua famiglia a Sofia, in Bulgaria; Roma, Italia; Rio de Janeiro, Brasile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; e Santiago del Cile. Dopo la fine della seconda guerra mondiale, Marie-Alix trascorse del tempo con i suoi parenti materni Oldenburg a Lensahn, Ostholstein.

Fürst Georg zu Schaumburg-Lippe.
Fürstin Marie zu Schaumburg-Lippe.
Granduca Federico Augusto II di Oldenburgo.
Granduchessa Elisabetta di Oldenburg.

I nonni paterni di Marie-Alix erano Fürst Georg di Schaumburg-Lippe (1846-1911) e sua moglie la principessa Marie di Sassonia-Altenburg (1864-1918). I suoi nonni materni erano il granduca Federico Augusto II di Oldenburg (1851-1932) e la sua seconda moglie, la duchessa Elisabetta di Meclemburgo-Schwerin (1869-1955). Marie-Alix era cugina di primo grado del duca Anton-Günther di Oldenburg, Fürstin Eilika di Leiningen, Fürst Wittekind di Waldeck e Pyrmont, Fürstin Guda di Wied e Fürst Philipp-Ernst di Schaumburg-Lippe.

Duca Pietro di Schleswig-Holstein. Foto (c) David McIntosh.
Prince Friedrich Ferdinand zu Schaumburg-Lippe and Princess Marie Melita zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg on their wedding day.
Left to right: Duke Friedrich Ferdinand, Prince Peter, and Princess Marie-Alix. Photo (c) David McIntosh.
On 9 October 1947 at Glücksburg, Princess Marie-Alix married Prince Friedrich Ernst Peter of Schleswig-Holstein (1922-1980). Peter was the third child and son of Duke Friedrich Ferdinand of Schleswig-Holstein (1891-1965) and his wife Princess Marie Melita of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1899-1967). Peter and Marie-Alix were third cousins; they were both descendants of Fürst Georg of Schaumburg-Lippe (1784-1860) and his wife Princess Ida of Waldeck and Pyrmont (1796-1869). Peter and Marie-Alix made their home at Gut Bienebek, Rendsburg-Eckernförde. Aged fifty-seven, Marie-Alix became a widow in 1980 when her husband Peter died at the rather young age of fifty-eight. The duchess remained devoted to Schleswig-Holstein from her marriage until her last breath.
Left to right: Princess Marita, Prince Alexander, Duke Christoph, and Princess Ingeborg. Photo (c) David McIntosh.
Princess Barbara with her mother-in-law Duchess Marie-Alix at the wedding of Hereditary Prince Bernhard of Baden, 2001. Photo (c) Seeger-Presse.
Duchess Marie-Alix together with her son Duke Christoph and daughter-in-law Duchess Elisabeth attend the funeral of Fürst Philipp-Ernst zu Schaumburg-Lippe, 2003.
Duke Peter and Duchess Marie-Alix of Schleswig-Holstein had four children, two girls and two boys: Princess Marita (b.1948; married in 1975 to Baron Wilfried von Plotho), Duke Christoph (b.1949; married in 1981 to Princess Elisabeth zur Lippe-Weissenfeld), Prince Alexander (b.1953; married in 1994 to Barbara Beata Fertsch), and Princess Ingeborg (b.1956; married in 1991 to Nikolaus Broschek). 
Birthday cheers! Duchess Marie-Alix celebrates her 95th birthday surrounded by students of Louisenlund while her daughter Princess Ingeborg happily looks at her much loved mother. Photo (c) Stiftung Louisenlund.

Duchess Marie-Alix of Schleswig-Holstein was a co-founder of the Louisenlund Foundation in 1949. This institution was envisioned by her father-in-law Duke Friedrich Ferdinand, and its mission was made a reality by continued support from her husband Duke Peter, her son Duke Christoph, and her daughter Princess Ingeborg. According to its website, Louisenlund “has created a school system with learning and teaching methods which prepare students for the future. To be equipped for the future students must develop social awareness and a strong personality. Since the very beginning, the private foundation, Louisenlund has strived to achieve a holistic education for its students. Moreover, Louisenlund is embedded in a network of international contacts and partner schools. Around 440 students benefit from an education in a global environment whilst enjoying, at the same time the familiar atmosphere of the campus.” Princess Ingeborg, the youngest child of the duchess, is the current chairperson of the foundation’s Board of Governors as well as of the Board of Trustees. The original uniform of Louisenlund students was created from a blue sweater out of Duke Friedrich Ferdinand’s wardrobe and a red sock from his daughter-in-law Duchess Marie-Alix’s closet which served as the collar.

Fürst Friedrich Wilhelm of Hohenzollern and Duchess Marie-Alix at the wedding of Hereditary Prince Bernhard of Baden, 2001.
Duchess Marie-Alix with her children Princess Ingeborg and Duke Christoph attend the memorial service for Fürst Kraft zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg, 2004.
Princess Marianne of Baden and Duchess Marie-Alix attend the funeral of Prince Georg Wilhelm of Hannover, 2006. Photo (c) Seeger-Presse.

For many decades, Duchess Marie-Alix of Schleswig-Holstein was the Vice-President of the regional branch of the German Red Cross in Holstein. As shown by her dedication to the Louisenlund Foundation, the duchess was particularly keen on the betterment of young people and youth development.

Duchess Marie-Alix, her son Duke Christoph, and her daugher-in-law Duchess Elisabeth at the wedding of Prince Philipp of Hesse, 2006.
Photo (c) Seeger-Presse / Albert Nieboer.

Duchess Marie-Alix of Schleswig-Holstein is survived by her four children, by her nine grandchildren, and by her (at least) five great-grandchildren.

The duchess in 2004.

May Marie-Alix Rest in Peace. Sources:

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